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6 rue de la Grande Chaumière
75006 Paris

Presbiviz, have the eyesight of a 20-year-old again!

Innovative, reliable and simple the PresbiViz technique is a unique opportunity for 40-60 year olds who don’t want to wear glasses!

PresbiViz is a laser eye surgery technique that is similar to the LASIK technique but that is specifically adapted to presbyopia. To perform the PresbiViz procedure your surgeon combines the technologies of 4 devices:

  • The CRS-Master platform to evaluate the cornea
  • The Zeiss VisuMax femtosecond laser
  • The Zeiss MEL 80 excimer laser
  • Laser Blended Vision software

To learn more about the devices in our technological platform.

PresbiViz is a safe, highly effective technique based on the principles of the 100% laser LASIK technique but with a new approach to treating the cornea using the Laser Blended Vision software. Everyone naturally has a « dominant » eye for distance vision, the other eye is dominant for near vision. The principle is to accentuate this natural condition: the dominant eye will be treated for distance and intermediary vision, and the other for intermediary and near vision.
The combination of these two types of vision results in an increase in depth of field so the patient has a good quality distance and near vision and excellent binocular intermediary vision. Intermediary vision is the most frequently used vision in everyday life (working on the computer, conversations, cooking, gardening shopping…).

The second advantage of the PresbiViz technique is the use of the Zeiss Femtosecond VisuMax laser to create the corneal flap, which is then lifted to treat the eye with the Zeiss Excimer MEL 80 laser.
The VisuMax is the most modern femtosecond laser and it is highly precise, safe and painless, with no post-procedural eye redness.

Still hesitating? At Espace Nouvelle Vision, you receive a free consult to know if you are eligible!

Contact us today!

A word from our patients

A successful operation!

My eye operation was a success thanks to the new RELEX SMILE procedure. My eyes stung a bit for 4 hours after the operation and that’s all! It’s so wonderful to get up in the morning and not to have to put on my glasses! I see the world differently through new eyes! Thanks to the team at the Espace Nouvelle Vision Center!

I’m so happy!

It’s been 2 months since I had eye surgery at the Espace Nouvelle Vision Center (to treat myopia with LASIK). I’m very happy, I can see perfectly, with no need for glasses or contacts! It’s changed the way I live, I don’t have to deal with taking care of contacts, and it’s so great to get up in the morning and be able to see! I highly recommend this operation for anyone that is eligible. The surgeon and the team at the Espace Nouvelle Vision Center were fantastic!

I have perfect vision again!

With a friendly and professional team, and an operation that was not as impressive as I thought it would be, I now have perfect vision again!
No more tired eyes after a long day with contacts, or blindly searching for my glasses…I am totally satisfied with the operation and would like to thank my surgeon and his team!

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